🇿🇦 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 – South Africa

Proud to share the work done by ou member “The Family Africa“, during March – May 2024

Please click on the blue headings for more

These last few months have been incredibly busy and we have been making excellent progress in many different areas.

Please read on to find out more….


Training pre school teachers both through accredited South African qualifications 

This year NQFs 4 and 5 courses are running again this year two days a week at our centre. More

It is very hard work and they take well over a year to complete but the teachers are enthusiastic to gain these qualifications

which are required by the South Africa Basic Education Department


New this year: For Parents: How to Help  your child succeed at school : 50 parents attended

Practical tips  which can be easily implemented to help children succeed. Education begins in the family!

For Pre school Teachers; Teaching Character Building  where we also distributed

work book sets to 23  schools -a total of 850 books

For Primary school Teachers: Challenges to Reading Progress due to COVID lockdowns and Poverty and Possible Solutions.

Read about this workshop as we are planning a new project based on our findings.

One local school has already referred 130 children from Grades 4-7 who cannot read.

It is a big challenge here you may be shocked by South Africa’ assessment results. Click on the heading to find out more.

Phonics – Advanced. 30 different Early Learning Centres attended. 

This  was a result of the Early Learning Centres reporting this was their biggest need right now as so few understood this topic.

We recommended a free app and showed teachers how to use it plus used training video clips and songs to illustrate the topic.

Classes for teenagers from Grade 4-12 continue to grow and overall we see an improvement in scores in the their school reports.

We have new and very talented tutors who are really inspiring the students to make progress.  More

The Daily Curriculum planners  and resources are being sent out to 96 teachers every week.

The Community Outreach reading programme continues to inspire the children and motivate the teachers in participating Early Learning Centres around the townships. More on this programme      More   More Feedback

The children at our Free of charge Early Learning Centre have been having a wonderful time not only with their scholastics but also exciting art projects which are volunteer art teacher is running at the centre. Do look at some of the pictures.    More art  Yet more  If you enjoyed those

and a trip to the zoo!

Baby and Toddler Group

We believe in life long learning so we start early with our baby and toddler group

where they have access to paper and crayons, story time and songs and educational toys.

Help for undocumented children.

It is a big challenge : we have children who are not able to get into school because of lack of documentation,

even though the South Africa Constitution is one of the most progressive ones in the world and allows

for all children within its borders to receive an education.

We have some very helpful lawyers who have given us documented legal advice

and we while we are waiting to  find them places we have started a Grade 1 class for them

so they are able to keep up with the work they would be doing at school.

Our Reading Clinic for struggling readers continues to be over subscribed but

nevertheless the children are not only overcoming their long term reading struggles but actually enjoying reading.

Maths and English Literacy programmes for adults with fours classes a week for 100 women ( and a few men)

have been covering topics which are relevant for job seeking as well as improving the learners skills in basic literacy.

The Enrichment Centre was running during the holidays so we can cater for other Early Learning Centreswhile our children are on school break.

Reading lessons, hand-eye coordination excercise, outdoor games etc.

A new addition: Sign Languages Classes for the relatives are deaf people so they can communicate with their loved ones.

Our staff are also learning how to use sign language and not only are they enjoying it but we hope it will be a useful skill in the future.

New Skills

We encourage our support group members to learn new skills and 8 of them recently went on an agriculture course.

Here are a few of them in their graduation picture.


HIV testing and health campaigns in the community – we have  been running this every month of this year so far

and we always get a good response wherever we pitch our Medical Testing tent.

Feeding schemes which run hand in hand with our support groups with HIV and /or TB provide a nutritious diet for our support groups.

The members receive fruit, vegetables, bread, meat and milk.

Last year our van which we use for picking up and delivering food was stolen and this caused us to restructure our delivery system.

Ten months later in March of this year,amazingly, it was found and is making the job much easier.

However we feel that the restructuring we were forced to do has actually assisted us in streamlining the feeding schemes.

Our food garden which is now double the size it was is also producing more vegetables to share.

The Health Awareness workshops have been running twice a week as usual along with additional topics such as

Mental Health, Drug and alcohol abuse, etc

Distribution of Medical Supplies.

We distribute wheel chairs and adult incontinent and sanitary products not only for our support group members

but also the local clinics and surrounding areas.

We had some requests from two clinic in Zimbabwe this year who are operating with little or no supplies.

So far we have organised four shipments to them and they are so thankful!


A BIG thank you to all our sponsors who make all these projects possible.

You can contact us by email on familyafrica@mweb.co.za or rachaird@gmail.com

Whatsapp only not calls:   Rachel    +27 826438029

www.familyafrica.com     The Family Africa Facebook page