The World Family Summit

In order to attend the call of the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, for a very comprehensive celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2004, the World Family Organization, along with its affiliated members in 189 countries, as well as 127 Governments, took the initiative to call for a World Family Summit – WFS.

Although the event only became “The World Family Summit” in 2004, WFO has a broad history throughout the years promoting important events support Families worldwide. Click bellow to view the historical list of these events and right after you will find the  archive of each edition of the Summit since 2004.

Chose your edition:

2004 – Sanya, China
2005 – Aracaju, Brazil
2006 – Dead Sea, Jordan
2007 – Warsaw, Poland
2008 – Cairo, Egypt
2009 – Istambul, Turkey
2010 – Paris, France
2011 – Abu Dhabi, UAE
2012 – Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
2013 – Berlin, Germany
2014 – Zhuhai, China
2015 – Cairo, Egypt
2016 – São Paulo, Brazil
2017 – Geneva, Switzerland
2019 – Lisbon, Portugal
2022 – Geneva, Switzerland
2023 – B. Camboriú, Brazil

*There was no Summit edition in 2018, and in both 2021 and 2022, the Summit took place online.

Photo Gallery 2014 – 2023

Photo Gallery of the World Family Summits – 2014 – 2023

Memory Book 2004 – 2014