Dear Friends,


This month we have been reflecting on what hope looks like in times of hardship. In August, we saw women’s rights stripped away in Afghanistan and severe wildfires burning around 22 million hectares in just one week across Africa.


But stories that inspire, motivate, and unite are also all around us. Often, it’s the individuals doing amazing things that do not make the newsheadlines, but are making waves in their own communities. We hear firsthand from some of the incredible individuals around the world working to make positive changes.


Afghanistan’s Lost Generation: Samira’s Story

Samira Masoumi spent the first 17 years of her life in Afghanistan, where she was a passionate advocate for girls’ rights. Overnight, three years ago, her dreams, and those of millions of other women and girls, were abruptly halted. She shares her story here.

A Day in the Life of a Humanitarian Worker

Humanitarian Workers dedicate their lives to providing life-saving aid and support to those that need it most. We talk to Mary Angelica Carillo, a Senior Protection Officer working with the International Rescue Committee on the Colombia-Venezuela border. Read her blog where she shines a light on the complex humanitarian crisis that is ongoing, and what she does to support those most affected.


Take Action Today

Do you want to support the amazing work of people like Samira and Mary Angelica? For each of the 17 Goals there are many positive actions you can take to make a real change. Head to to get involved today!


Positive Goals News


Goal 3: Nearly 90% of TB cases in Uganda are now screened, thanks in part to portable X-ray systems powered by AI and solar, able to screen 150 people a day. (GAVI)


Goal 4: Two centuries ago, only 1 in 10 adults could read. Today, it’s almost 9 in 10 – more than five billion people across the globe (Our World in Data)


Goal 12: South Korea recycles 98% of its food waste, turning leftovers into animal feed and energy. It’s one of the few countries with a nationwide system for food waste management. (Washington Post)


Goal 14: Scientists in Germany have discovered a type of fungi that is capable of breaking down plastics, and could help in the global fight against plastic pollution! (The Independent)

Thank you,

Project Everyone Team