Holidays at Presidency Office in Brazil


03 – 07 –> Reproductive Health Month: STI/ Condom week by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa   /   For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

10-14  –> 63rd session Commission for Social Development – UNHQ, New York
10 – 15  –> Reproductive Health Month: Transmission of HIV to children Workshops by  The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa      /  For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

20 –> Celebrations of International Day for Social Justice


08 –> Celebrations of the International Women’s Day
08 –> Women International Day : SHEroes by Lebanese Social Responsibility

Place: Jbeil District /Lebanon  /  For more information contact: womenscommittee@lsr-lb.org

10-21 –>   69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), access to  public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality – UNHQ, New York
TBC –> Conference : Family and Addictions in the 21st century by Organisation Tunisienne pour l’Education et la Famille (OTEF) in partnership with Université Centrale

Place: Tunis – Tunisia  /  For more information contact: otef@planet.tn

20 –> Celebrations of the International Day of Happiness
28 –> Presidency Office to prepare the WFS 2025
28 –> The People’s Summit 2025, Porto/Portugal, co-organised by EAPN Europe and EAPN Portugal


07 –> Celebrations of the World Health Day
07 –> World health day : Eat Well, Live Well by Lebanese Social Responsibility

Place: Jbeil District /Lebanon  / For more information contact: womenscommittee@lsr-lb.org

05-17 –> UN ECOSOC Youth Forum – New York – UN Headquarters
24 – 30 –> African Vaccination Day – Workshops on various types of vaccinations and their benefits by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa   /  For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com


13-15 –> World Family Summit 2025 – Celebration of the International Day of Families

17 –> World hypertension awareness day – Workshops, outreach in the community and blood pressure testing by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa   /  For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

TBC –> Spring Festival, 2nd edn, by Organisation Tunisienne pour l’Education et la Famille (OTEF)

Place: Sfax – Tunisia  /  For more information contact: otef@planet.tn

28 –> International Day of Action for Women’s Health – Health Campaign and health workshops on various topics by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa    /   For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com


01 –> Celebrations of the International Children’s day

Men’s Health Month – Workshops and health campaigns targeting men throughout the month by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa   /   For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

05 –> Celebrations of the World Environment Day
12 –> International Men Mental Health day : The Mind Hub: A Mental Health Fair for  Men by Lebanese Social Responsibility

Place: Jbeil District /Lebanon   /  For more information contact: womenscommittee@lsr-lb.org

18 –> Celebrations of the International Mandela Day by The Family Africa

2 events of corporate volunteers and families getting involved with our local projects. Blanket Distribution, Celebration dinner, music and dance.

For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

30 – 3/7  –> 4th International Conference on Financing for Development – Seville, Spain


Mental Health Month Workshops on depression and mental health throughout the month by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa    /    For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

11 –> Celebrations of the World Population Day
14 – 23 –> ECOSOC High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development –UN New York


04 – 28 –> HPV Vaccination campaign – Workshops on awareness on the importance of young girls receiving the HPV vaccination by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa  /   For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

12 –>  Celebrations of the International Youth Day


Cervical Cancer Month Heart awareness Month
10 – 28 –> Celebration of UN 80th Anniversary – Opening of the UN 80th General Assembly
TBC –> Conference : School Dropout: Causes and Solutions, by Organisation Tunisienne pour l’Education et la Famille (OTEF)

Place: Tunis – Tunisia  /  For more information contact: otef@planet.tn

21 –>  Celebrations of International Peace Day

24 –> Heritage Day – Cultural events and competitions including dance, drama and cultural food. Crowning of Ms Family Africa and her princesses  by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa  / For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com


Breast Cancer awareness month

01 –> Celebrations of International Elderly Day
17 –> Celebrations of International Poverty Eradication Day


10 – 26 –> Days of Activism for No violence against women and children. Campaign throughout South Africa including marches to promote awareness and workshops on domestic abuse targeted at vulnerable groups, by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa  / For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

14 –> World Diabetes Day – Workshops on Diabetes, signs and symptoms, diet and exercise, by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa  / For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

20 –> Celebrations of the Universal Child Day

25 –> International Day for the elimination of Violence against women


1 –> World AIDS Day – Memorial ceremony for those we have lost and celebration of progress made in research and treatment, by The Family Africa

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa  / For more information contact: rachaird@gmail.com

3 – 6 –> Seventh International Conference on Shared Parenting (ICSP) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, at the University of Lisbon and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE),

Place: Johannesburg, South Africa

TBC –> Conference : Culture and School by Organisation Tunisienne pour l’Education et la Famille (OTEF) in partnership with the Ministries of Education, and Cultural Affairs

Place: Tunis – Tunisia  /  For more information contact: otef@planet.tn