DIFI – December Newsletter 2024
His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal Al-Saud Secretary-General of Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz's Donations, welcomed the World Family Organization delegation led by its President, Dr. Deisi Kusztra and accompanied by Vice President Isidro De Brito and Mohammed AlRadi, General Manager of our esteemed member جمعية المودة للتنمية الأسرية | Almawaddah Association for Family Development.
The World Family Organization represented by its President Dr. Deisi Kusztra and Vice President Isidro De Brito today at the opening of COP16Riyadh which takes place in Riyadh/Saudi Arabia, were present at the launch of the One Million Eco-Friendly Families Initiative promoted by its member جمعية المودة للتنمية الأسرية Almawaddah Association for Family Development.
Making Multilateralism Work Baku Conference Sets New Collective Climate Finance Goal Countries set a goal of at least USD 300 billion per year by 2035 for developing countries’ climate action https://sdg.iisd.org/news/
The co-facilitators of the outcome document for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) – Mexico, Nepal, Norway and Zambia – released an elements paper on Friday, 22 November 2024. The elements paper was prepared on the basis of close to 300 inputs from Member States, United Nations (UN) entities, international financial institutions,
The United Nations in a World of Rising Global Challenges https://www.un.org/en/un-chronicle/united-nations-world-rising-global-challenges
International Year of the Family Conference 2024 DIFI-November-Special-NL-2024-EN
UN Climate Change Conference Baku After much suspense, parties eventually set a new finance goal. They also operationalized the market-based cooperative approaches for implementing the Paris Agreement and extended the work programme on gender, but failed to reach agreement on just transition and taking forward the outcomes of the Global Stocktake. https://enb.iisd.org/baku-un-climate-change-conference-cop29-23Nov2024?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ENB%20Update%20-%2024%20November%202024&utm_content=ENB%20Update%20-%2024%20November%202024+CID_ac7b6b117c3b4ea86bcc84bc27f089d7&utm_source=cm&utm_term=COP%2029
Financing for the Future A UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue featuring members of the UN High-level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs Monday, 2 December 2024 3:00-4:15 p.m. EST (New York time) Conference Room 6, UN Headquarters, New York and online Register to join in person: bit.ly/inperson2dec Register to join online: bit.ly/online2dec At the
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