How WFO Works
WFO has as main objective to represent Families of the world at all levels, to defend their interests and to act with them and for them vis a vis national, subnational and local governments and the international community.
To Act
as the promoting and coordinating Organization on international efforts among Governmental, Non-Governmental Organizations as well as other private sector, in increasing awareness of family issues and policies formulation;
To Contribute
to poverty eradication by implementing policies, programs and projects servicing the basic needs of families such as education, health, housing, recreation, work, social protection, drugs and crime prevention, domestic violence, migrant integration and combat of all kind of discrimination.
To Develop
in cooperation with specialized agencies where necessary, policies for improvement, inter alia, of housing, health, sanitation, nutrition, education, recreation, work conditions, welfare systems, social protection and benefits, family relationships and environmental issues affecting families;
To Encourage
social integration, human rights, tolerance, equal opportunity, solidarity, social participation, respect and non-discrimination of diversity through families;

To Conduct
research and studies in the field of families and their members;
To Strenghten
the bonds of solidarity between families worldwide, encouraging the development of intra familial support systems approaching their common responsibilities for a better world of justice and peace;
To Assist
members, upon request, in strengthening family related policies and services;
To Promote
and/or sponsor conferences, seminars, international, regional, national and local meetings and training to discuss major family concerns.