Civel Society

June 20, World Refugee Day: Honoring the Strength and Resilience of Refugee Families

  Every year on June 20, the world comes together to observe World Refugee Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of refugees and celebrating their strength and resilience. This year's theme, "Together We Heal, Learn, and Shine," focuses particularly on the family unit and how they are affected by the hardships

June 20, World Refugee Day: Honoring the Strength and Resilience of Refugee Families2024-06-20T07:19:20-03:00

São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Lead Global Cities in Influencing G20 at Urban 20 Summit of Mayors

  In a powerful display of urban leadership, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro recently hosted, in São Paulo, the Urban 20 (U20) #Summit of #Mayors, gathering global city leaders to shape and influence the G20 agenda. The focus of this summit was to enhance the well-being of families at the local level through sustainable

São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Lead Global Cities in Influencing G20 at Urban 20 Summit of Mayors2024-06-20T06:25:06-03:00

Introducing Bulletin No. 7: Activities of ACRIDES – Associação Crianças Desfavorecidas

  🇨🇻 🇨🇻 🇨🇻 - Cabo Verde We are excited to present --> Bulletin No. 7 <--, highlighting the latest activities of World Family Organization member, ACRIDES - Associação Crianças Desfavorecidas. ACRIDES is a non-profit, private law association dedicated to promoting and defending the rights and duties of children and their families. Founded on January

Introducing Bulletin No. 7: Activities of ACRIDES – Associação Crianças Desfavorecidas2024-06-17T12:10:09-03:00

Congratulations to UNAF – Unión de Asociaciones Familiares on the Election of the New Executive Board

  We are thrilled to congratulate our esteemed member, UNAF - Unión de Asociaciones Familiares, on the election of their new Executive Board. This achievement marks another significant step in their ongoing efforts to advance family rights and improve the lives of families in all their diversity. As every year, the UNAF entities have gathered

Congratulations to UNAF – Unión de Asociaciones Familiares on the Election of the New Executive Board2024-06-17T08:59:39-03:00

Excite announce about the launch of the “Quick Guide to Boost Citizens’ Engagement in Cities!

Congratulations to Bloomberg Philanthropies and Harvard University for this join efforts to find valuable insights and practical steps to foster civic engagement for a more #equitable, #inclusive and responsive urban environments. This comprehensive guide is designed to #empower #families and individuals to become more actively involved in their communities, fostering stronger connections and creating a more

Excite announce about the launch of the “Quick Guide to Boost Citizens’ Engagement in Cities!2024-06-17T08:47:26-03:00

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