Vice President of Angola, Esperança da Costa, meets with World Family Organization Delegation

In a significant move to address pressing family issues, Her Excellency, the Vice President of the Republic of Angola, Esperança da Costa, granted an audience to the delegation of the World Family Organization (WFO). The delegation included President Dr. Deisi Kusztra, Vice President Isidro De Brito, and Youth Affairs Coordinator Marineide Tulio. During this pivotal

Vice President of Angola, Esperança da Costa, meets with World Family Organization Delegation2024-05-24T11:25:59-03:00

30th International Year of Family

A Special Milestone This year marks the 30th anniversary of the International Year of Family, a milestone that reminds us of the enduring importance and resilience of families worldwide. On this International Day of Families, we celebrate the diversity, strength, and love that bind families together across cultures and generations. It's a time

30th International Year of Family2024-05-15T06:57:12-03:00

WFO’s Mission to Angola

WFO's Official visit to Angola We are thrilled to announce that a delegation from the World Family Organization (WFO) composed of the President Dr. Deisi Kusztra, the Vice-President Isidro De Brito and the Director of the Program for young people Marineide Look, has commenced an official visit to Angola today, marking the beginning

WFO’s Mission to Angola2024-05-24T11:26:09-03:00

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